There comes a time in everyone’s life when they absolutely
cannot function without the ongoing support of their friends. Everyone has their reasons... a death, a
divorce, or a medical condition – the reason we need our friends is beside the
point. The point is: we need them. And for a time, you have them – they
surround you with love, care and support. And a lot of the time I find myself
looking at my friends and thinking I honestly would not be here today if it weren't for you. I certainly wouldn't be the person that I am as I write this.
The length people can go to for the sake of friendship is
really quite astounding. We spend years dedicating ourselves to creating
friendships that we would like to believe will last a lifetime. And sometimes they do! – And that’s a truly
wonderful thing, it really is. But then of course there is the flip side to
that – sometimes friendships break down, sometimes over a fight or something equally
explosive, but more commonly - they just... fizzle out.
People grow apart.
It’s a sad fact, but it’s more common than we might all like
to think. How many of us today can say that we have the same friendship groups
that we did five years ago? – I’m going to hazard a guess and say that the
answer to that question is: None. In
fact if we all were to look back just one year, we would see that our friendships
have changed. They have evolved. Sometimes we grow closer to just one or two
individuals, whilst drifting away from others. Or perhaps we become a part of a
new “group” choosing to alter the company we keep for a particular reason. But
my point is, times change – people change.
We just need to keep up – ultimately, we have choices. And
it is not necessarily the people we meet that define who we are, and the way
that we feel about our lives. But the people that we choose to keep in it – and
those who we actively seek some sort of relationship with. It is those
decisions that go a long way to defining our characters, and in some cases, our
very nature. The person that we are changes with the company we keep. We adapt,
changing our habits, our behaviour in order to “fit in”. But is that really
what we all want? Next time you find yourself in a social situation that you
aren’t entirely comfortable with; maybe it might be worth your while to
question your motives, even just for a moment. I might make you stop and think
about the person who you really want to be – and if that action or remark is
really “You”...
I know I changed. But will you?
More Soon,
Love Amber
Another great blog. Keep it up :)