


I recently stumbled across a link to this blog – and realised how easily commitments in our lives can fall to the way-side if they are not nourished. Having noticed that it has been over a year since my last post, and with new year rapidly approaching, it felt appropriate to revive Life Imagined (as I have re-named this blog – although that may be a working title, as usual I am not sure yet).

Anyway, having recently embarked on a three year English Literature and Publishing degree, moved away from home and begun a new chapter in my life, I was inspired by the idea of commitments. What motivates us to make them, and keeps us motivated to keep them. Is it pride? Or is it something deeper than that? Commitment itself can be defined as: “the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, ect. “Frequently we see commitment as being associated with success and resilience, but when is it a good thing to be completely committed to a cause, belief or decision, and when does this commitment cross the line into becoming pig-headed and stubborn? It is a fine line to walk when you really consider what it means to be a committed individual.

Whilst yes, sometimes it is better to see a commitment through: it may equally be argued that sometimes walking away is the most appropriate path. However, it may become difficult to distinguish between the two, especially when other people are involved. The decisions we make on a day-to-day basis often have a significant impact on those around us, affecting them in ways we don’t see and can’t even begin to understand. As such, it is important when making any sort of commitment – whether it is something trivial or something lager, that you consider how your actions may impact others.

Recently, as an indecisive person at heart, I have had to make a series of huge commitments. Having embarked on a degree, chosen my modules and begun searching for a house, there is plenty going on to keep me occupied. These commitments may seem like something mundane or completely ordinary but it has really become obvious how the opinion of the minority may influence the majority. Whilst this occurs at an individual level within each of our daily lives, it pays to think about how this works in wider society.

I am sure there are plenty of sociologists or philosophers who will have far more interesting perspectives then me, I believe that if we all thought a little more about how our choices change the world we live in; the world as we know it, then the world might just be a nicer place.

Anyway – that is more than enough of my rambling for now.

More soon ( I hope )

Love Amber xxx

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