


Well, as some of you might know, my last post was on the subject of Adulthood, and what exactly it really means to ‘grow up’. As a result of these musings, recently I have been thinking an awful lot about the subject of choice.

We all make hundreds of decisions each day – often without really stopping to consider them. But each and every one of our decisions and the decisions of those around us impact us in some way – however small. Sometimes these changes impact upon us in positive ways, and at other times they turn right back around and bite you. But regardless of the consequences, choices need to be made.

When faced with the mundane choices that we make on a day-to-day basis, our brains have a tendency to enter ‘auto pilot’ and it easy to miss the little things that might just give us the opportunity to really make a particular day great. However, when faced with choices that impact on us long term, the vast majority of us will take a step back and think for a moment before we commit.

Personally, these big choices have had a significant impact upon me in the last few weeks (as house-hunting for my second year student accommodation has finally produced results) and as such, reflecting on the consequences (largely positive in this instance) of individual decisions has been at the forefront of my mind recently, and after a while I began to think about the motivations behind decisions – and just how conscious these motivations are.

Sometimes it isn’t necessary to think deeply about a choice – you just know instinctively on some level that a particular path is the right one for you. At other times however, I agonise over the options, debating the pros and cons of every possible avenue. You might think that it is only the important decisions that warrant such close examination – however, you would be wrong.

Unfortunately I am one of those people who at times appears to be incapable of making a spontaneous decision. Until recently this had not been a problem for me (or so I thought) until I started university and started the journey to becoming ‘independent’ – choices come flying at us at a significant rate, and sometimes there simply is not time to agonise over a decision.

As such, for me it has been an uphill struggle to work out a way of filtering these decisions and dividing them into manageable chunks – otherwise it just becomes completely overwhelming. That way, when the big decisions do come along, I am better placed to make them – with much less on my mind, and more room to focus on the things that matter.

Anyway, that is more than enough for now.

More soon.

Love Amber


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