
The Past: Looking Back

The Past: Looking Back

After a recent conversation with a close friend of mine, I have been inspired, in more ways than one. As you can see from the frequency of posts on this blog, inspiration is not something that has ever come particularly easy for me. But when it strikes I find it almost impossible not to act upon it. Although I may not write quite as eloquently as some of my peers, I still feel the need too at least attempt to express how much I appreciate the things that people have done for me over the years; and the impact that the people who are closest to me have had on the person who I have become.

Thankfully, I am one of the lucky ones. I have people surrounding me who support me, regardless of their own personal circumstances. Saying this, I truly hope that I have been able to return the favour to at least the majority of these special people, but I will never be sure of that fact - and it is certainly something that I am not willing to take for granted.  I can only hope that I am able to support them as much as they have supported – and continue to support me. 

Lately, I have been considering the events of my past, and reassessing the impact that my actions may have had on those who surround me. As everyone knows, with hindsight it is possible to see things much more clearly then we could at the time – for better, or for worse. Sometimes our actions have a positive impact – but this is not always the case, and whilst I try my hardest to have a positive impact, sometimes it is just not possible. Or, it’s just not in our best interests to try. The potential for miss-stepping, and making the wrong choices surrounds us in all we do; and it is all to easy to become trapped in unending circular arguments, particularly when attempting to make decisions that impact on our future. With every decision that we make we must consider all possible consequences for ourselves, simultaneously considering the way that our choices will alter the lives of those whom we are closest too.

Sometimes change is for the better: sometimes for the worse. And as with many things in life, we will never know until afterwards. This fact is part of what can make reflecting on the actions of our pasts so painful, or so perfect. Each of us has at least one, “perfect memory” - a moment from our past that when we think about it, it instantly fills us with a warm, happy sensation – for whatever reason. We all have moments that we look back on and cringe. But these are the moments that made us. Ultimately we are the sum total of our experience, and regardless of the hand that life deals us, we all cope in unique ways with our own individual situations.

In my (humble) opinion, that is one of the things that makes humanity beautiful. Despite the events of the past, we all have the ability to define our future. Too put negative events behind us – and too move on to bigger, better things. To make life better for ourselves, and those who surround us. The events of our past, and the support of our peers provide us with the strength and experience to handle whatever life throws at us. Eventually we will get to the places we want to be – with a little luck and a lot of effort.

More Soon,
Love Amber

PS: Apologies for the rambling post - it's been a while since I last wrote.

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